The Fruitbowl
A fully handcrafted fruibowl, with a cut out foot. She is allmost allmost perfect, but an extra drop of underglaze made it locally to thick to deal with by the finishing glaze. So in one spot the underglaze peeks through.This does not change her intented use: to display your fruits. Or maybe to display sushi in! Or other kinds of tapas. Scraping through her with a spoon would be a bit less comfortable because that locally drop of underglaze (see photo). But for the rest: this unit will make your foods look like art.
This fruitbowl is made by hand, with stoneware clay, painted by Olaf with black underglaze and topped with a clean glossy (and food safe) glaze for a comfortable everyday use. The outside of the bowl is matte glazed.
I think that the power of these brushstrokes are that they carry a sense of freedom, free of perfectionism. I am deeply inspired and also intrigued by Olaf, that he can create these lines that I have practised so long to create - without succes. Abstract art is a slippery and often mis-understood field of art. But I feel.. that with this collection I'm hitting the spot. And that feels awesome.
Only one available and one of a kind. This item likes being washed by hand, but dishwasher is ok too. Small imperfections are part of the crooked garden aesthetic.
Approx. diameter 27 cm, height 4 cm, weight approx. 400g